Pagedoll made by Khuo, all other assets are my own!
Also, this Carrd looks so much better on desktop but will function on mobile!

INTRO / "What's your deal?"

Hello! My name is Puff. I'm a (for the most part) digital artist who also sometimes sculpts, sews, and cosplays! I have an unfortunate amount of dedication to projects I start, and I quite literally gave myself double tendonitis this way. Please be patient and don't expect regularity in my art! I also tinker with my style often, so expect frequent changes!I'm an adult, but I'm okay with minors interacting! There's no NSFW content on my page, and anything gory or eyebrow-raising is flagged, and if it isn't, give me a shout!I'm the guy who shows up on random donation posts, PUFF THE BUNNY! If you like to believe me to be a random spirit who emerged from the mist to ask about character availability, then I recommend you skip this page. In all honesty, I follow a few people on These people, however, repost character sales, donation posts and purge notices. I also use the in-site search option to window-shop, as well as off-site shares!What this also means is I also don't have a clear grasp on site-specific culture. I grew up on DeviantArt and art Discords, so there may be a culture gap there.

Design & Art Rules

I don't keep a blacklist, so you don't need to worry about that, just please make a good-faith effort to not give my designs to people you know to be shady. This isn't really a rule! Just be chill, that's all.I very much am cool with designs I've made being traded / sold / gifted, and while I doubt it'll be an issue (lol) please don't price-gouge!
Not mandatory, but if you ever need to just be rid of one of my designs, I'm usually willing to buy / trade them back! You can also change pretty much anything in my designs once you own them, as long as I still have credit where applicable. So if you change most of the design, you can add additional designer credit as long as I'm still listed somewhere.
Do NOT use my art or characters for hate speech, AI training, crypto nonsense, etc. Again, just be cool.This is continued in the "Good to Know" tab, but please do not use LQ/MQ/HQ terms for my art, characters, or art/characters that belong to me!

Things I Like in Designs

I must specify, I CAN and DO like pretty much anything in designs, these are just things that I really like is particular!• Wings are a BIG one (esp when used in an interesting way)• WARM-TONED + SPIKEY! Combo I just love, honestly. Spikiness / spikey hair in general is a favorite of mine• Oddbodies / Indistinct species> Not referring to closed species here, but I'm a sucker for unique designs! It's hard to describe, but examples would be Arthur, Kite, Amadeus, as well as Prim and Proper. Anything that feels impossible to pin down as anything in particular! More examples in my TH are under my "#odd" tag.• Detectives / noir themed characters• Mushroom fellas (the weirder the better!! I am not looking for "cottagecore" characters)Also, as a note, I really CAN enjoy anything! But I'm not really a fan of characters with either raw meat patterning or permanent wounds. Not that I dislike gore in general! But these kinda designs generally don't strike a chord with me!

Pronouns (Continued)

She and they are interchangeable. I respond to either, and don't have terribly much preference. Please don't necessarily feel the need to switch them up for me and absolutely don't correct others for using either for me or not switching it up. Several people I know use solely one or the other for me and several do switch it up, so it really doesn't bother me which you use! You literally can't go wrong as long as you use one of those two. You can get silly with shaking it up if you want, I just really don't care. Use one, use either, I'm just real neutral on the whole ordeal.I'm also good with pretty much all feminine and neutral terms in most situations and okay with pretty much any gendered terms in the context of jokes / non-serious remarks! I'm a girl, I'm a person, I'm also a funny bunny. I'm open to reader interpretation, hope this helps!My relationship with gender is complicated, and it's the same for a lot of my characters. Please know I do it out of respect and usually as personal self-expression, so I'd appreciate if that was kept in mind!

Good to Know

I OUTRIGHT REFUSE TO USE TERMS LIKE LQ/MQ/HQ. Please keep those terms away from me, my characters (including ones I didn't make) and art. I also do not keep value trackers, not publicly, at the very least. If I buy a character from you that has one, I will remove it and likely privately maintain it. It just feels a little invasive and weird to me is all, but I don't disrespect people who find use in them!I often am online at weird hours. I work at a coffeehouse that closes nice and early, so even after working a full shift, my work-day ends at about 3:00pm. I'm usually available, but please give me time to respond to messages! I am unfortunately awkward, so I really like to think through replies as well as the fact that I do spend a lot of time with my eyes away from my phone.I RECLAIM THE WORD "QUEER"! I use it as both a descriptor for me and for certain characters. If this makes you uncomfortable, I recommend either using caution or avoiding my page in general. I don't know how often this will come up, but it feels important to mention.Also, as a fun note, pretty much every character I own is artistic liberty! If you'd like to play around with one of their designs when drawing them, go ahead! Previous notice is appreciated but not necessarily mandatory, just have fun :]I use favorites both to express favoritism and bookmark things for later, so don't take it as me trying to come for your characters if they aren't for sale! I probably just thought they were neat.